Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dorothy, Cinderella, Carrie - all shoe lovers, all part of a girl's life

Who doesn't remember Cinderella and the fact that she would never have met Prince Charming (don't get me started on the fact that he doesn't have a real name) if the Fairy Godmother never gave her those kick ass glass slippers.  Or in newer times, Mary Horowitz from All About Steve and her Red Boots?  I have always wanted a red pair of shoes just like Dorothy and now Mary Horowitz, but then I also think that if I click my heels together three times, I will get transported to Neverland.  And then there is Carrie, the person who probably introduced the world to the brand name Manolo Blahnik.  As I walk to and from work, I see many women wearing heels, some who can't walk in them and others who look like they were born with them and it got me to thinking why the people who can not walk in heels still do so.  So I started to do some research on heels and women and men and I found some interesting pieces of information.

I was so excited at first when I read about a study done in England back in 2010 that says that men don't notice women in heels.  I figured - yay - for the people who wear shoes to attract men, don't waste the money or the pain to try to get noticed.  But then I started reading more, and thanks to my wonderful psych classes, I noticed that the study hasn't been published anywhere.  So I keep hunting on the net, and I find another article that addresses my concern - the study had not been through the peer review process or published, which basically means that this Dr. Neave guy could be a basement dwelling hermit who decided to post something on the Internet and say that it is a brand new study.  So the jury is still out whether or not men actually notice women in heels.

However, there was a study done (which has been published and peer reviewed) that talked about shoes and attraction, and it was found that men thought women were attractive if heels lengthened our legs by a few inches (roughly about 5% longer than our 'normal' leg length).  But there is a line - very long legs were not found as sexy as just a tad longer of legs.  So heels are beneficial, but moderate/wearable heels.  Okay, that I can do and understand. 

But my browsing did not stop there.  I also came across a study where they looked at the physical benefits of high heels for women, since it is a known statement that high heels can contribute to shapely legs, and this study showed that heels improve more than just legs - it can tone a woman's abdomen and pelvic floor (similar to the effects of doing Kegel exercises), which can make sex more enjoyable.  Same as in the last study, this study also mentioned that the heels have to be moderate - no more than about 3 inches high to have a beneficial effect.  Again, that is good news as that is a walkable shoe for most of us girls. 

I, for one, do love heels, but I make sure that I can walk in them, and they are comfy, and depending on where I am/what I am doing.  If I am in for a long night of dancing, I could care less if the guys will look at my feet and scorn at the fact that I am not wearing high enough heels for them.  This is another reason why I would rather be comfy and myself than being in pain and trying to impress people in materialistic ways.  I say that if you are comfy and you exude sexiness in other ways, screw the shoes and laugh at all the women who look absolutely ridiculous stumbling around cause they can't walk and are trying to look sexy.  Note to those girls - you don't look sexy, but keep on wearing those shoes as it allows girls like me to laugh at you and steal all the boys you were trying to get.  Score one for the comfy shoes. 

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